Ringling Bros.

Central Alabama NWA Chapter Meeting With Guest Speaker Tim Marshall – Jan. 24th

| January 18, 2017 @ 11:00 am

Please make plans to attend the first meeting of 2017 on Tuesday, January 24th. The chapter is excited to have Tim Marshall as the guest speaker. Tim is a renowned speaker within the meteorological community and avid storm chaser. He will certainly have some incredible stories and images of his many days spent chasing tornadoes.

The meeting will take place in the conference room at Vulcan Park. The chapter will have a “Meet and Greet” from 6:00 PM until 6:30 PM and there will be some business items to discuss before Tim begins his presentation. Some light refreshments will be provided. The chapter is asking everyone for a $10 donation to help defray the costs of bringing in a speaker like Tim Marshall. Tim does not charge a speaker fee, but there are costs involved in bringing him from Dallas, Texas. The $10 donation will only be collected at the meeting location. However, if you pay your 2017 membership dues of $25, or $15 if you are a student, the $10 donation will be waived.

There are two ways to pay membership dues. You can pay your dues on the chapter’s website. It does use PayPal so there will be an additional small charge that goes directly to PayPal. You can also pay your membership dues when you arrive at the meeting. You can also RSVP here.

Category: Hodgepodge

About the Author ()

Scott Martin is an operational meteorologist, professional graphic artist, musician, husband, and father. Not only is Scott a member of the National Weather Association, but he is also the Central Alabama Chapter of the NWA president. Scott is also the co-founder of Racecast Weather, which provides forecasts for many racing series across the USA. He also supplies forecasts for the BassMaster Elite Series events including the BassMaster Classic.

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